Things we take for granted

DSCF6685Some of you may remember my posts on Cambodia. But those of you who don’t or who didn’t read them the first time around, here are the links.
I am returning to Siem Reap on March 15th. To say I am excited is an understatement. I shall be visiting the Childrens Sanctuary and taking what summer clothes I can to help them out there.
Clothes are always needed. Children grow so fast and money is limited. Although the Sanctuary receives donations and sponsorship, there are always things needed. Sadly there will always be children needing help in Cambodia.
I will have limited space but am happy to take anything that you can offer.
Summer clothes are what is needed. Winter clothing is no good there as it is always hot. Even during the rainy season it is hot.
Please contact me if you have anything you can offer. You can email me at


Pink Wellies and Flat Caps

PAW1001_Kindlecover_nobleed_198x128Hello all,
It’s so good to be back blogging. I have very much missed my blogging buddies. It has been a crazy six months. It very much felt like my life as well as my home was overtaken by builders, plumbers and electricians. You can be quite sure that many a blog posting on builders is certain to follow. I have also been writing like crazy. The past few months have seen me almost strapped to the lap top and at times nearly dozing off. But finally the new novel is finished and will be shortly with my editor which means, it will shortly be with you, the reader. I am so excited about this novel. I had so much fun writing it. I think it is the funniest so far and certainly the most gripping.
The cover is Fab and I am mad about it. Thanks to Gracie Klumpp who is superb. She always manages to produce exactly what I picture in my head. How great is that? Do let us know what you think also. You can see more of Gracie’ work on her web page here

Now for the really exciting news. ‘Pink Wellies and Flat Caps’ will be released on Kindle on March 1st and the paperback will be available for Pre-order from Amazon on Valentines Day.


Meanwhile there will be a competition for three lucky readers to win a signed copy of the book. For more details Pop across to my author page here
The three main rules are.
1) Sign up to the author page
2) Like my author Facebook page
3) Finally answer the three questions that are related to my two novels and send your answers to

Good luck… And keep your eyes peeled for more news on ‘Pink Wellies and Flat Caps’